Are you still receiving your bank statements in the mail? Did you know that instead, you could receive an email message that your statement is ready? First Utah Bank offers e-statements that are convenient and secure.
Here is why so many... (Read More)
Have you heard the great news? First Utah Bank has a new tool that will make managing your business on the go even easier. As a regular user of First Utah Bank’s Business Internet Banking, you’re almost there. With the same security and... (Read More)
Did you know that we have been an active part of our community since we opened our doors in 1978?
That is almost 40 years of serving the community's financial — and human needs.
Here is a summary of how we help our community:
• We... (Read More)
Are you thinking of buying a home? It's the American dream, and so very worth the effort, but some buyers find their happiness dampened when they learn there are a number of charges and fees involved in buying a home. Let’s take a look at some of... (Read More)
Are you a small business in need of extra capital? First Utah Bank is a Preferred Lender (PLP) with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA).
This means we can work with the unique financial needs of small businesses, particularly those... (Read More)
Great! You know you want to move forward with a home improvement or renovation project. However, how do you even begin to find a contractor to work with you?
First, know exactly what you want done. This will help any contractor know how to better... (Read More)
When was the last time you looked at the fine print when you pay your monthly mortgage? You might be surprised how your current interest rate compares to rates available now. Perhaps you'll want to consider refinancing your mortgage. The question... (Read More)
Do you have friends and family asking you for money? While it may seem like a good idea to make a loan, it can create havoc.
Let’s consider the questions you should ask:
Will it ever be repaid? What are the repayment plans? You may assume... (Read More)
The Federal Trade Commission estimates that one in every 20 consumers has errors in his or her credit report. That's an alarming estimate, given the fact that credit information can affect the rates you are able to obtain when applying for a... (Read More)